Master’s degree in International Trade

Master’s degree in International Trade

The University Jorge Tadeo Lozano and the University of Valle have joined efforts to offer a joint Master’s Degree program in International Trade which will lead the education of management staff nationwide. Participants will be prepared to face the challenges of economic globalization, regionalization of trade relationships and free trade agreements.

The Master’s Degree in International Trade combines two knowledge fields: Trade Theory and Policy and Management of Organizations.

During the Trade Theory and Policy courses, the new trade paradigms will be analyzed, as well as the role of trade policies and their impact on the development of countries, the integration of markets, trade agreements, the integration processes of the economies and their impact on industrial and exporting policies, including innovation policies and practices, technology assimilation and the transformation of the multilateral system of trade.

Regarding the Organizational Management field, international business management and administration issues will be addressed, as well as company competitiveness, organizational systems, structure of the chain of value, institutions quality and systemic competitiveness, among others, framed in the multicultural aspect of businesses. 

Profile of the Graduate

Graduates will be prepared to lead internationalization processes, applying quantitative and qualitative tools that enable them to contribute to the commercial-economic development of the country, responding to the internationalization challenges imposed by governments, companies and society in general. At the same time, our graduates will have sound skills to conduct researches in international trade and international businesses management.

Occupational Profile

• Company Internationalization Process Director.

• Advisor in Trade Policy and Strategies for the Internationalization of Markets.

• Professor – researcher of related areas.

• Advisor for National and Multinational Companies in Foreign Trade Issues.

• Public and Private Institutions Officer driven towards the Design of Trade Policies.

• Negotiator in Free Trade Agreements and Expert in Multicultural Negotiations.

Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 2613 del 14 de agosto de 1959 Minjusticia.

Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional.