Master in Modeling and Simulation MM&S

Master in Modeling and Simulation MM&S
The program’s goal is to build knowledge about conceptual, quantitative and computer methodologies for problem solving and the research of real systems such as, natural systems, engineering systems and social systems throughout the study, implementation and development of models and simulations.

In general a model can be understood as a representation, abstract, analog, phenomenological or idealized, of an object that can be either real of fictitious. In this case and due to its nature, the proposed master program will deal the phenomenological models and /or model processes requiring the formal use of mathematics and computer tools in order to represent a system and its behavior. 

By modeling we intend to look for the improvement and understanding the phenomena or process and that involves the study of the interaction between the parties of a system and the system as a whole. 


Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 2613 del 14 de agosto de 1959 Minjusticia.

Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional.