
Profesional Universitario
The Architecture program aims to train professionals that are capable of having a comprehensive view based on mastering the universal and disciplinary knowledge, so they can approach, by means of working in the workshop, the questions related to the human habitat construction.

The Architecture program of UJTL (University Jorge Tadeo Lozano) focuses its efforts in training professionals who can properly and knowingly participate in Architecture related discussions, and who are capable of contributing to build a more equitable and fair society. Within the framework of this training, the students who graduate in the Architecture program of UJTL are expected to have, in the first place, the ability of easily integrate new knowledge in their professional development,  secondly, the ability of performing appropriately within the area of architectural design, thirdly, the potential to consider and solve in a technical manner architectural problems, and in the fourth place, the responsibility to stand out due to a comprehensive, humanist view and a know-how guided by quality, efficiency and ethics. 

Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 2613 del 14 de agosto de 1959 Minjusticia.

Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional.