Social Communication and Journalism

Social Communication and Journalism
Profesional Universitario
This program, at the Campus of the Caribbean, conceives the Communication as a process and a system, and the performance of journalism as cross curricular activity in the social relationships and social change. The social communication and journalism are subject to the changes and inflections of the structure of relations and their technological capabilities, especially those corresponding to the communication media and information technologies.

The program trains and awards certificates to social communicators and journalists that are capable of understanding the complexity of the social reality, the communication systems and the information systems, as well as their relations structures, from the corresponding field to study and exercise; and from the social and historical context in which is taking place; also capable to build messages in this community of meaning in which they exist, and where they exercise, and understand the community of meaning  that represent through the exercise.

Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 2613 del 14 de agosto de 1959 Minjusticia.

Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional.