Jorge Tadeo Lozano University offers you the opportunity to add more value to your academic experience by studying Chinese.
An alliance with Hanban, an institution that belongs to the Ministry of Education of China, and with the University of Tianjin, allowed to establish the Confucius Institute at Utadeo in 2013. The aim of the Institute is to spread Chinese culture by offering language courses, events and activities.
Courses go from level 1 to 12 and can be taken either as elective subjects, within your academic program, or outside of it.
Enrolling in Chinese courses also gives students an opportunity to participate in Summer Camps in China or to apply to six month or one year scholarships to study in this country.
For more information, go to:
Instituto Confucio Utadeo
Email: infoconfucio@utadeo.edu.co
Phone number: +57 1 2427030 Ext 3670